Saturday 28 December 2013

Vanilla and FTB server!

Now there's two official servers that players from the group may play on, I (FamousFatWalrus) currently have a Feed The Beast server running on the 'FTB Lite (v1.2.3)' pack and Todd (ThreeD2004) has a vanilla 1.7.2 server. You must be on a whitelist of the group or a personal friend of a player to be able to play on either of the servers, but in most cases if you're whitelisted on one of them you're on the other one too.
Each server is run individually and separately by me and Todd but you can go to either one of us with issues or help with the two servers.


Feed The Beast:

Sunday 3 November 2013

Todd (ThreeD2004) new owner

I, FamousFatWalrus, will still be founding the server but people may go to Todd for any disputes or decisions - he may change the whitelist or even the map, he has full control. Todd may go to me if he feels inclined to do so with a big decision I just don't want a lot of spam from all players at this time about server issues, personal messages are always welcome.
Thanks, guys. 

Thursday 24 October 2013

Server downtime and 1.7 update

Panic! The server's down! Don't worry guys it will be up soon, hosting website is improving their service. The map will not be changed for the 1.7 update, but new chunks will include the 2x2 spruce trees, flower forest biomes etc. The event this Saturday will be slaying the EnderDragon, no matter how many people turn up.

Saturday 19 October 2013

More blog content..?

Hellooooo everybody! Because there's a close few who regularly play on the server, I'm going to open up this blog for the regulars on the server; only to post sensible posts about builds or event ideas - anything related to the server. If you're interested contact Joe for the blog permissions ;)

Looking for new players!

Hey all! The server has died down to only a handful of regular players, therefore I'm going to start actively looking for other players to build, survive and get involved with the community! If anyone has any friends or ideas of scouting mature players please leave a comment!

Saturday 12 October 2013

Server updated!

Woo! The server is now updated to the most stable version of craftbukkit, running on 1.6.4, this means we can play on the newest version with our plugins! :)

Sunday 8 September 2013

Empire state building graffiti

Graffiti is now permitted on the front section of the Empire State building on the server (the smooth-stone front with no windows). You may use bold colours but it may only be changed once daily. If someone else just graffiti'd it then you must wait a day before putting your own work up.
I have started this creative graffiti-fest with the word 'Vagina' made out of netherrack. Come at me bro(s).

Two new players!

Mickeyboi12 (Michael, 22y/o CST) and Xoskk (Jay, 19y/o GMT) have joined the server today. They're seperate people and this is the shortest blog post in the world.
