Monday, 26 August 2013

friender_men debate

The player friender_men has been recently (temporarily?) banned from the server. Court will be held today or as soon as a decent amount of people can attend in-game. The bigger the jury the better so that it will be more of a community decision. I don't know all the 'evidence' yet but that will be sorted out in court, I'm going to be quite serious about this because he was a good player and contributed a lot to the server, so if possible I would like to have him back playing as a normal player with no problems with other players such as the P-Team. 

All I know at this point is that friender_men was killed (not sure why) and a good amount of his valuable items he was carrying despawned and, I'm assuming in rage he simply took about 32 diamonds from Agent_Payne1's storage; this is obviously unacceptable but I'm not sure of the amount friender' lost. We will go over in court and I would like at least Bailey and Ben to attend as they were witnesses, victims and murderers ;)          

                                                                             Good luck in court everybody