Featured Builds

Some, most or all featured builds may be on an older or different server to the one you play on, deal with it.

If you ask FamousFatWalrus screenshots of your builds can be seen on this page! Contact him through skype or teamspeak.
^The Empire State Building exterior^
^AngryRtist's * Colosseum arena^
^ThreeD2004's Desert pyramid exterior^
^ThreeD2004's castle exterior^
^AngryRtist's community stables^
 ^Spawn's court room^
^The farmer's market, built & maintained by the P-Team^
^IrishSlim's contribution of Asian architecture^
^AngryRtist's Community Stables^
^AngryRtist's wheel and farms(hard to fit)^
^General spawn screenshot^
* Among with others, AngryRtist was the main planner and builder of the arena.
(These are a select few memorable landmark builds, I will upload more individual bases when requested)